Page Turner
Page TurnerStephanie Latiolais
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This book will keep you up all night, unable to guess what is around the next corner! Ty deals with the difficult life subjects that nobody talks about and hits the nail on the head! His engaging word pictures and storyline are unmatched by many authors! Very well written!
Great Creative Story that kept me guessing throughout!
Great Creative Story that kept me guessing throughout!Brandon
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What a great story that was creatively written. I constantly kept finding myself anticipating and craving the answers to who, what, and how. Usually I can figure out the plot or what’s next pretty quick. But not with this book. Very clever! Whether you are into sci fi or not, I highly recommend it! Don’t judge a book by its cover..
It felt like I was there
It felt like I was thereJLittle
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I just finished this book yesterday, and I can’t stop thinking about it. Ty has a way of placing the reader inside the story, right next to the characters as they sift through the mess they’re in, which leaves some emotional attachment. There were several scenes where it felt like I was there — I could see and hear the things going on (particularly in the tsunami aftermath), which speaks to Ty’s ability to creatively describe things in clear ways that don’t get in the way of the story. My one sentence description of The Bench: A sci-fi love story with unexpected twists that will leave you wracking your brain on morality and technology!
Great, non-nerd science fiction
Great, non-nerd science fictionspencer Presley
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The Bench is an engaging and clever story about memories and loss. While there are science fiction elements to the story, I wouldn’t call it a sci-fi book. I was regularly compelled to keep reading due to the fantastic pacing, the author does a good job of feeding you enough information to hold your interest while leaving you room to form your own ideas about the events that take place and their significance. Also, I loved the ending.
Love it!
Love it!Laura M. M.
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I found myself unable to put it down. I laughed, cried, and jumped out of my seat. I even threw my arms in the air more than once. Science fiction meets romance (but not gushy). The story is told mostly through flashbacks, recalling parts of the main characters’ lives.
Excellent story!
Excellent story!Lindsay
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Excellent story! Keeps you engaged and opens your mind up to an interesting view.
Great Twist
Great TwistJim
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I’m not going to lie, at first I felt like the book read with too much rambling and narrative, but I believed in it so I kept going and then it was amazing. A main focus of the story is a couple that experiences a tsunami and I am 100% positive that the author has experienced one himself because the descriptions were so intense and realistic. The way the story worked together, even the “extra” narrative was clarified and it all came together like a puzzle. An amazing book that I will love to recommend.
Good romance book!
Good romance book!AZA
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Was told it is a romance book but a good story! And good read it was! Superb book!
MUST READ! irma iliana campos
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Absolutely loved this book - from beginning to end! It’s a page turner and definitely kept me guessing! The writing is phenomenal, I felt like I was actually there. I would recommend this book to just about anyone. It’s officially on my recommendation list and favorite reads. I’m looking forward to start reading The Shadowless in The Dadirri Saga 🙂
Achingly sad…with a twist.
Achingly sad…with a twist.Sandra Bruxvoort
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“Love isn’t a feeling. That’s called infatuation. Love is what happens after the infatuation fades, when it becomes the choice you make every morning. Will I stay committed to this person, or will I choose to do what I want based solely on what’s best for me? Choosing to work with that person—whether you want to or not—that decision is what we call ‘love.’” A treat. Reading The Bench is a little like falling in love. You set upon the path, objectively recognizing that although this story is new, you can’t quite shake the feeling of familiarity as you fall deeper and deeper into the heart of it. You give yourself over to it completely... (continues)
Thriller!Nate McGooden
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The book was amazing. It was a roller coaster of emotions. The book had me bouncing back and forth as I thought the book was going in one direction and then it changes. Make sure you stay seated while during the entire reading. I can't adequately put into words what I felt while reading the book. The ending of the book had me reeling. I honestly thought I misread the book, but I didn't. Ty had me thinking that the book was going to end one way and when it didn't I was confused. I had to go through the events of the book again to figure it out. I don't read sci-fi or love story books. The Bench blended everything so well that it didn't seem overly sci-fi or a love story book.
An emotional journey with a hint of sci-fi
An emotional journey with a hint of sci-fiLauren Cipollo
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This book makes you ask the question how do our memories, those we remember and the ones we might try not to, shape the people we are and our outlook on life? The light sci-fi element hints at something sinister. It keeps you questioning until the end!
Really liked the book.
Really liked the book.AZA
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The author said I would have liked this book, so that's a trip I am about to undertake... And...yes it is GOOD! TOUCHDOWN!
Suspenseful!Amazon Customer
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An amazing second novel for Ty! The Favorite reads as a slow burning suspense that kept me glued to the pages. There is a chill down your spine, hair prickling goosebumps vibe throughout the story. I definitely had the heebie jeebies. I love that the plot build is a calculated, multifarious science fiction, and, at the same time, is entirely relatable with relationships, dialogue, and characters that are authentic. Ty had me guessing all the who’s and what’s and I didn’t see the ending coming! His growth as an author from first to second book is evident. Well done!
Loved it!
Loved it!Long Time Shopper
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This book does a fantastic job of portraying the highs and lows of relationships and parenting when under strain (with an added sci-fi sprinkle). It is written with heart and narrated very well. Ultimately it still has me wondering what I would do if I i was forced to make the impossible choice to pick a “favorite” child. 10/10 recommend!
One of the best reads of the year for me
One of the best reads of the year for mespencer Presley
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“The Favorite” is one of the most interesting books I’ve read in years. From the character and the storyline to the ending, the entire package is expertly thought out and worth the time you invest in it. I usually find myself having to power through books when they hit slow spots, but this one never lets up. Every chapter has a purpose and no words are wasted. The authors use of internal dialogue and foreshadowing kept me hooked. Excitedly waiting for the next one.
Love it!
Love it!Laura M. M.
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I found myself unable to put it down. I laughed, cried, and jumped out of my seat. I even threw my arms in the air more than once. Science fiction meets romance (but not gushy). The story is told mostly through flashbacks, recalling parts of the main characters’ lives.
This book is special to me.
This book is special to me.AZA
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My wife and I are touched by this book. Heart to heart. Highly recommended - won't spoil anything, you just need to sit down, lay back and just....READ!
Perfect Continuation
Perfect ContinuationNici Hunter
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I can be particular when it comes to sci-fi and/or dystopian/apocalyptic types of books because they seem to be too much or too little. Ty got it in the Goldilocks area and it's just right. You can follow everything, imagine it all easily, and while it is part of the series it would be an easy stand-alone as well. Overall, I enjoy the Dadirri series and while I loved The Favorite, I think The Shadowless surpasses it. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Surprised Me!
Surprised Me!Shanna Gann
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I admit, I started out reading this book with a different sort of view but the more I read the book, the more I couldn't put it down! This book held me in suspense. It made me laugh. It made me cry. And it really made me think. Highly recommend this book to others!. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Love the Menagerie
Love the MenagerieHussong's Cantina
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Nine words---Fast paced, gritty, sometimes poignant, and extremely well written. Carlson's prose is smooth, with complex sentences that do not have to be read twice— which is good trick to pull off. The writing is also varied, which makes it even better. At the very beginning, the storm in the prologue is extreme and vividly told, and shows that Dorothy and Toto got out of theirs easily in comparison. In the prologue is the author’s ingenious set up, part mechanical, part mythical, and part of a future we do not want, and how the earth reacted. (continues)
Goldilocks re telling
Goldilocks re tellingChad & Lori H.
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This was a great book Goldilocks is a great story and Ty did it right with this book. I can’t wait to read more from this author. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Mom Kat Reads
Mom Kat Reads Katinka
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This was a fantastic post-apocalyptic story that tells a very vivid tale of what happens to the planet when people are only out for themselves, caring nothing about what happens to other people or the planet itself. I greatly enjoyed this one and would recommend it to anyone, even though it paints a grim future for mankind. Be warned though, there is a great deal of violence in this story.
Interesting Brandy Combs
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I was able to reach out to this author and discuss reading this as an ARC. This isn't my typical read; but I truly enjoyed it. I was amazed with how fast I was able to blow through this book. Only reading the summaries of the first two books helped me go through a bit more easily as this is the third in a trilogy. It felt like a stand-alone; so do not fret about not reading the others! It is the emotional connections between characters that make his writing so strong, and he does not let down in The Shadowless. The characters like Lee, who can provide us hope through the unforgiving setting of a dystopian setting, are especially helpful in an increasingly likely dystopian future. Lee's character serves as an example of strength, resilience, and hope that can be found even in the darkest of times. His story reminds us that we can find our own strength to fight for a better future. In the end, Lee's story offers a glimmer of hope for a brighter tomorrow.
I love Shipley and Luna
I love Shipley and LunaKim Dabbs
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The line that made me interested in reading this book was, “The Everstorm is merciless-the people who live beneath it are even worse.” It made me curious, why was the Everstorm merciless and why were the people worse? Well I got my answers… let me just say wow. That’s how good the storyline of this book is! The character of Shipley is my absolute favorite; and the friendship he forms with Luna is top tier. The book had me questioning about how society would fair if this actually happened… would humanity be lost? Fantastic read if you love a dystopian book mixed with sci-fi… then look no further!
Hits the ground running!
Hits the ground running! rc
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Wandering from my normal genre of choice, this apocalyptical adventure starts off with a bang of action, draws you in, while introducing complex and relatable characters from the beginning. The reader observes the struggle to retain humanity over a gritty will to survive and thrive through chilling peril, and mysterious complexities in a harsh world fine-tuned for destruction. This story keeps you turning the pages and drinking more coffee to keep the "red sand" man at bay.
Fast Paced Adventure
Fast Paced Adventure Toni Guyton
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Absolutely entertaining, fast paced Sci-fi dystopian adventure with fun world building and complex characters. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Fast Read!
Fast Read!Tiffany G
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I was able to reach out to this author and discuss reading this as an ARC. This isn't my typical read; but I truly enjoyed it. I was amazed with how fast I was able to blow through this book. Only reading the summaries of the first two books helped me go through a bit more easily as this is the third in a trilogy. It felt like a stand-alone; so do not fret about not reading the others! It is the emotional connections between characters that make his writing so strong, and he does not let down in The Shadowless. The characters like Lee, who can provide us hope through the unforgiving setting of a dystopian setting, are especially helpful in an increasingly likely dystopian future. Lee's character serves as an example of strength, resilience, and hope that can be found even in the darkest of times. His story reminds us that we can find our own strength to fight for a better future.
A post-apocalyptic good time
A post-apocalyptic good timespencer Presley
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The Shadowless took me by surprise. I'm a fan of the author and and thought I knew what to expect based on the other entries in this series, but this one is different. The Shadowless takes you on a journey through an unfamiliar (and unforgiving) future society where humanity has reverted back to it's most base instincts and the environmental hazards take on a character of their own. Very little time is wasted while moving the plot along and there's plenty of action, violence and twists along the way. Carlson expertly weaves in hints of a world that existed long before the inhabitants of this story, giving the reader something familiar to cling to while navigating the harsh landscape. If you enjoyed The Stand, give this one a try.
It is your fate to read this!!
It is your fate to read this!!AZA
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I was given an opportunity to read this and took my time. I will say this - you will not be disappointed. Ty the author is fantastic! Go buy this book, and enjoy!!!
Buckle up definitely a roller coaster
Buckle up definitely a roller coasterTina
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This book takes you on 3 different and wild rides. Jonas, Roman and Mick have different adventures and struggle with their own reality. I was on the edge of my seat constantly guessing what could possibly happen next. Awesome book Definitely recommend